Jonathan Warner is a specialised firm in management consultancy.

Effective leadership is not self-evident. A great many factors influence the impact of executives and managers. What prevents or stimulates effective leadership can range from the match between organisation and the individual, the executive structure, or the dynamics in it.

Jonathan Warner’s mission is to contribute to the quality of leadership, to clear away tensions and to help discontinue faulty processes. This, in the interest of committed leaders and of the organisation as a whole.

Our services also extend to individual advising and coaching, advice on organisational issues, teambuilding and –coaching, finding the right people, assessments and leadership programmes.

Jonathan Warner works solely for the executive layers of organisations. Advising on this level requires more than experience and expertise; it requires a respectful and humble approach. This is what we offer. Our mission and the profile of our advisers serve to guarantee this.


Jonathan Warner was established in 2003 by Arjan Eleveld. He was at the helm of LTP at that time, the oldest HR consultancy firm in the Netherlands. The ambition of Jonathan Warner was to adjust the HR- and organisational advisory work of LTP to suit managements and boards. In practice, this entailed conducting executive assessments and supporting executive teams. Until 2009 Jonathan Warner also worked for private equity firms, evaluating the quality of management in purchases and large investments. These operations were discontinued in the years following 2009. In its place, we started to offer self-evaluation processes for supervisory boards.

On the 1st of November 2014, the Jonathan Warner formally divorced from LTP, meaning all ownership ties were dissolved. The array of services has since been expanded and completed, in service of which additional consultants with new areas of expertise joined the team. As a result, we can now truly say that our firm can strengthen the executive leadership of an organisation on all fronts, and from all directions. All of Jonathan Warner’s consultants have experience in consulting for the executive level.

Unique profile

Jonathan Warner has a unique profile. On the one hand, our focus is small. We focus solely on the top layers of the organization and all our activities entail strengthening the leadership of an organization. Our clients are supervisors, managers, partners at professional service firms, executive directors and HR directors.

On the other hand, Jonathan Warner consists of and combines diverse and complimentary specialisms. Our operations encompass individual coaching, assessments, support in conducting self-evaluation of the supervisory board or board of governors, executive search, leadership programmes, presentation training, executive teambuilding and –coaching, support in case of executive tensions and advising on the executive structures.

The team of consultants of Jonathan Warner is assembled to allow for these services to be delivered with a high degree of coherence, and of excellence. Jonathan Warner works with other firms in 16 countries to extend our services to international clients.

Who is Jonathan Warner?

Jonathan Warner is not the name of the founder of the company, but rather a freely constructed name. The most important contributor is Prof. dr. John Watson, a ground-breaking American psychologist who became the founder of ‘behaviourism’ in the early twentieth century. Behaviourism was a psychological movement objecting against vague and unscientific theorising about humans. Watson thought that psychology was to be a scientific study of observable behaviour, producing measurable results.

Many will be prompted to think of Sherlock Holmes when hearing the name of dr. John Watson. Dr Watson was the assistant of the brilliant detective. Through his support and effective questioning, the essential clues became apparent, after which Sherlock could go on to solve the case.

Arjan Eleveld understood that both Watsons represent important characteristics which were to feature in the services of Jonathan Warner: questioning, listening, avoiding vague theories and producing measurable results. Arjan adjusted part of the name by using his own third given name: Warner.